Why the internet may crash in 2011
A 2008 article published by the New York Times reported that the internet was slowing down.
That emergence of social networks, video clips and movies and games had bogged down performance.
The article goes on to say that youtube used more bandwidth in 2007 than the entire internet did in 2000 due to the above mentioned factors.
A private research firm also projected that user demand would exceed internet capacity by 2011 resulting in an outtage.
Now here is my two cents to why that may happen
As you may know Netflix and the Redbox are slowly pushing conventional DVD rental places out of businesses such as Hollywood video and the like.
Largely because of the low prices and convience they offer which cannot be topped by walk in stores.
By these companies cleaning up in the video renting department they are at the same time opening a window to a new niche.
Full HD Streaming Television and Movies via the internet.
These companies are already setting the stage for a huge audience by offering services to smart phones, game console systems such as the Wii, X-box and Playstation 3, even the PSP is getting some attention for movie downloading.
We've also reached the point in the stream of time where nearly everyone has internet access.
Of course this statement is not 100% true, but those who have a computer have the ability to access the internet from numerous public hot spots.
In my opinion this huge amount of data that will soon hit the internet arteries will indeed cause an internet stroke of sorts.
This might be the straw that broke the camel's back and in this case it's an 18 wheeler being dropped on a small dog.
We can believe your word now 8 months after your article because it's happening now and i think every one who uses to get over the internet withing USA,UK,etc within the past weeks noticed it.