The Major Record labels plan to drop the CD format by the end of 2012.
Do they have a plan or a replacement format ? It doesn't appear that they do since no real plan seems to be in place, except the removal of said format.
They do say they plan on keeping AOD (audio on demand) via iTunes and Amazon among other online players.
The Record Labels claim that we will occasionally get a CD, here and there, in a limit edition version. But I would guess that only the hot bands at the moment will get this treatment.
This does beg the question "What if I don't have an internet connect?" or "What if I don't own a computer but I love music?. Sure these questions might sound crazy in the times that we are living in but according to polls less than 50% of Americans download music.
Does the struggling music industry really want to throw half of its potential audience into the dumper ?
Personally I'd like to see the CD replaced with a small Flashdrive at the record store.
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