Oxfraud Health Care
Here is what they say about themselves
"In addition to offering traditional home care services, Oxfraud continually prepares for the future of home health care with innovative new services and advanced practices. A recognized leader in home care technology, Oxfraud offers patients services such as home telemonitoring, Lifeline medical alert services, home I.V. therapy, and high-tech nursing, among many others. We also provide hospice services to meet the comprehensive needs of clients and families alike."
Here are a few facts about this so called "not for profit agency"
Your government pays them $35 per hour to take care of your loved one. They pay employees anywhere from 7.50 - 12 an hour.
In home services may be provided by an untrained, straight off the street newly hired employee who may or may not defraud your family.
Employees have in the past committed the following actions that Oxfraud keeps in house.
One female aid who was having family problems at home, had her astranged husband follower her to work and shoot her, resulting in death.
Another female employee/Aide had a romantic relationship with the elderly man that she was caring for. She and her newly found Senior partner ran away together while she was an Oxfraud employee.
Yet another aid robbed and even stole money from her clients while working for Oxfraud. Oxfraud knew there was trouble with this employee, so what did they do about it ? - Nothing, after receiving multiple warnings from her field supervisor, who knew the family, Oxfraud took no actions except wait while this aid stole her client blind and then quit on her own.
This is just part of the uneven management the company is under. Administrators will take action if it harms Oxfraud, but have little concern when it's a client who is being taken advantage of.
They conduct in house state mandated monthly meetings to improve employee knowledge.
They require employees to meet for inservices once a month regardless of distance from said meeting. They go through the motions but for the most part do very little to improve services or educate employees in a way that might improve them as workers.
Want to work for them ?
As an employee Oxfraud may hire you and then expect you to drive 20+ miles for a couple of hours a week.
Want to work for another employer to make ends meet while being employed at Oxfraud? Forget about it, they will and have given bad references and referrals to keep it's employees on a short leash.
Have vacation time coming ?
Don't count on it- one Aid for 4 straight years spent the first day of vacation in the Oxfraud offices waiting to receive vacation pay.
When I say Aide, I mean her whole family.
On one occasion the Aid was on her way to a western destination that required a drive of over 1100 miles, but sat waiting on a check (in the office) that was requested months before.
The accounting department will continually make errors and mistakes without any sort of care towards the hard working individual.
On the flip side an employee is expected to keep perfect records and work hours figures or face dismissal.
Want a safe work place ?
Oxfraud expects you as an employee to protect the privacy of your client but they do not in turn protect you or your family in any way.
For example : one client defrauded an employee by convincing the Aide to take a loan out for her to get her car fixed because she couldn't get to work, had a young child in the home and had poor credit. Upon receiving the money she refused to help with the payments and then used that transaction as blackmail over the Aide's head.
This Aide was then coerced into mowing the lawn, unloading boxes from said client's place of work, and sent on shopping trips sometimes up to 40 miles away.
Eventually when the Aide grew tired of being used , this Oxfraud client turned her in sighting various infractions that did not happen. What did the Aid get for this good deed ? - Suspension and removal from the home which was a relief no doubt.
Expect to feel unsafe at home if you work in a small town
As a Oxfraud employee, Clients will follow you home, will visit your home asking for additional services and backtrace your telephone calls and demand various things at any hour of the day.
One client walked right into the house of an Aide without knocking and started demanding things.
They will even find your spouse at his/her place of business and ask them for services.
Here is a good example of what to expect if the client finds out where you live.
Broken windows, one Aide even had her sliding glass door broken completely out!
Stolen items from the yard, slander on online social networks and other such services.
Are you loyal to your company, do you work extra hours for free, is a long time employee and respected by your co-workers ?
How will Oxfraud reward you ? FIRED to save a few $$$, when a newly hired Aide is in place and ready to take over.
My mother was a client of Oxford Home Health Care Services. The first Aide was very helpful and a family friend in some ways. She left Oxford because she had troubles getting paid.
ReplyDeleteThanx for posting this
ReplyDeleteOxford didn't do much for my nursing career except run up mileage on my car
I once thought that Oxford was the bee's knees until they kept screwing up my mileage. That happened often enough that I had find another job- Yeah, Walmart !
ReplyDeleteHey ! can i post this on my blog ?
ReplyDeleteOxford fired my daughter a few years ago for being late to work..
She was 30 minutes early and when she told them so they said they were very sorry but any type of infraction is grounds for termination.
What a load crap !